Top 5 Ways to Reduce Risks of Deceloping Type 2 Diabetes

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Risks of Deceloping Type 2 Diabetes

 Hi everybody is Prince here again with silicosis. This is the place where we teach you everything about healthy aging and nutrition and help you to always look and feel your best. And today we're going to talk about type two diabetes, its consequences on your health and the best way to prevent and as always remember to give us a like and subscribe to my site  so you don't miss any of our future post . Type Two Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. pieces that go untreated can result in blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and other serious health consequences. Now before diabetes is diagnosed, there's a timeframe in which your blood sugar levels are high but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. This period is called pre diabetes. 70% of those with pre diabetes will develop Type Two Diabetes according to statistics. Now, unfortunately, going from pre diabetes, diabetes is not necessarily an inevitable outcome. Although there are certain variables that you can't modify like your genes, your age or your past activities. There are many things that you can do now to lower your diabetes risk. So let's take a look at the best methods to keep diabetes obey.

Number one, eliminate sugar and refined carbs from your diet

consumption of sugary foods and refined carbs can actually expedite the development of diabetes and those who are at risk. So these sugary foods are broken down quickly into little sugar molecules and delivered into your bloodstream by your body. As a result of this blood sugar spike. Your pancreas is then simulated generate insulin, a hormone that helps sugar go out of the bloodstream and enter your cells directly to fuel them. In patients with pre diabetes, blood sugar levels remain high because the cells are resistant to the action of insulin, the pancreas that responds by producing more insulin to lower blood sugar to a healthy level. Now this cancel and rising blood sugar and insulin levels over time, eventually leading to type two diabetes. Many studies on tabulate high sugar consumption and the risk of diabetes data actually shows that those who consume high sugar diets are about 40% more likely to develop diabetes and those who consume less fat sugar and less refined carbs. And that's why
avoiding sugary foods as well as sugary drinks may be able to help lower your risk of diabetes.

Number two, take turmeric curcumin tablets

Curcumin is a component of turmeric and orange spice mainly use enquries Curcumin is a powerful anti inflammatory agent which is proven to be beneficial against arthritis and in reducing inflammatory symptoms throughout your body. Especially in persons with pre diabetes. Now there's also compelling evidence that it can help with insulin resistance and diabetes progression. And it controlled nine months study of 240 pre diabetic persons who received 750 milligrams of curcumin daily, no one developed diabetes interestingly enough 16.4% of the control group on the other hand, did curcumin also increase insulin sensitivity and a function of insulin producing cells in the pancreas and the curcuit group. However, Curcumin is almost impossible to digest as a food and that's why we recommend taking it as a supplement in combination with bio pairing a bioavailability enhancer we actually made a full Post reding about it so check it out her website , I also put the link down below for more info about curcumin and bio cream supplement.

Number three, exercise on the regular

regular physical activity may actually help decrease the risk of diabetes. yourselves insulin sensitivity improved while you exercise, and as a result, you need less insulin to help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Moderate intensity exercise reduced insulin resistance and blood sugar levels by 51% and high exercise high intensity exercise decrease it by 85% of patients with pre diabetes. The best way to choose a physical activity is just people that you enjoy one that you can keep doing on a regular basis and one that you can stick to over time.

Number four, try losing weight if you need to

Now even if it's not the case all the time most people who develop type two diabetes tend to be overweight or obese most of their lives. Individuals with pre diabetes are also more likely to store visceral fat around their waist and abdomen organs such as the liver for example. And actually excess visceral fat increases the risk of developing type two diabetes by promoting inflammation and insulin resistance. Although even a tiny amount of weight loss can help minimize the stress. Studies show that the more weight you drop, typically speaking, the better benefits you'll get. In one study of over 1000 adults with pre diabetes researchers discovered that for every 2.2 pounds of weight dropped, participants risk of diabetes decreased up to 96%. Diabetes Risk can be dramatically reduced by losing weight. Low Carb Mediterranean diets are just a few of the Healthy Weight Loss options. However, adopting a diet plan that you can keep in the long run is crucial to maintaining your weight loss. 

Number five , consume a high fiber diet

getting enough fiber has been proven to help keep blood sugar insulin levels low and pre diabetic people. soluble and insoluble fibers are the two types of fiber available. Now soluble does not absorb into water but soluble fiber does. So basically how it works is soluble fiber and water combined in the digestive tract to form a gel that delays the absorption of meals. As a result blood sugar levels just rise more gradually. Now insoluble fiber on the other hand has been associated with lower levels of blood sugar and a lower risk of diabetes. However, the exact mechanism is still really not quite understood. Fiber is found in most unprocessed plant foods. Many excellent sources of fiber can be found in vegetables, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and that's super easy. 

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