Hi everybody, I'm Prince from semantics, the website where we discuss everything about Healthy Aging and Longevity molecules. And today we're gonna talk about enemas, supplementation, and female fertility because we received a lot of questions about this. So we wanted to cover this subject for you. And please remember that give us a like and subscribe to our Website so you don't miss out on our future videos about intimate and our nav plus and much more infertility. has increased in the US for various reasons, including unhealthy eating habits, the increase of endometriosis, the increase of obesity rates, as well as other chronic conditions. Nowadays, 12% of women have difficulty conceiving, and this number rises to more than 30% of women over 35 Because delayed pregnancies are another important factor leading to fertility issues. The important thing to remember is that eggs are nonrenewable cells. Therefore the number of eggs at birth is the highest a woman will ever have. female fertility is determined by the number of eggs and their quality, which decreases year after year due to the accumulation of genetic abnormalities. hormonal treatments, assisted reproduction, as well as freezing, can help women facing fertility issues, improving diet and lifestyle can also increase women's chance of conceiving is why eating a nutritious diet is crucial, as fertility can worsen when lacking key nutrients like vitamin B and D, iodine, omega threes, iron, zinc and many more. But what do we know about mmm supplementation? And amend is one of the most powerful nav plus boosters. We made many videos about Nmm and nav plus, so please feel free to check them out on our channel. We already know that nav Plus is a crucial coenzyme required for healthy aging, DNA repair, and metabolism. And in parallel. We also know that the quality and number of eggs decrease as nav plus levels diminish as we age. So the hypothesis was that by boosting nav plus levels through supplementation we could improve female fertility. And researchers tested this hypothesis in mouse models. So let's go over what they found. 


Number one, element supplementation improves the quality of eggs by increasing nav plus level by increasing and 80 plus levels in aged eggs. And then supplementation can improve the air quality in the data shows that NMS lowers egg cell death by suppressing the formation of free radicals and DNA damage while protecting the integrity of the DNA structure inside the egg. This enemy's inability to protect the DNA of eggs is crucial because DNA abnormalities are a leading cause of infertility, birth defects, or miscarriages. So improving the quality of enema and supplementation would increase the number of ovarian follicles boost the ovulation step and improve egg maturation.


Number two and amend supplementations strengthen the sperm binding ability of aged eggs. researchers demonstrated that animal supplements strengthen the ability of the eggs to bind the sperm, making fertilization more likely to occur. For successful fertilization. sperm cells must first interact with Zona Pellucida, which is a thick extracellular layer that surrounds all a million eggs. The number of sperm binding to the Zona Pellucida in age takes is much lower than in young ones, but increased significantly after supplementation, which eventually increases egg fertilization.


Number three, and then supplementation restores mitochondrial function in a day. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell and data shows that animals can improve their activity in age the first search when one is a crucial regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. Researchers found that search when one activity was significantly lower in age days than younger ones. But by boosting nav plus level through NMS supplementation, scientists were able to restore cert to in one activity, thus promoting mitochondrial health in age a. Another interesting finding is that ATP, a crucial coenzyme produced by mitochondria was reported significantly lower on the eighth day compared to the yellow one. Researchers also found that animate supplementation was able to increase ATP levels, a hallmark of mitochondrial activity.



Number four, and then supplementation improved IVF outcome the researchers finally looked at how the eggs of old mice responded to in vitro fertilization. After being treated with NMS. They observe that the eggs have greater diameters after mmm treatment, which is associated with better IVF outcomes. Researchers also cultured those embryos from young and old mice in the presence of NMF. Interestingly, they observed that only embryos from age-female mice had improved maturation, not the ones from the young mice. This suggests that NFN could improve IVF outcomes in aged mice but not in younger animals, likely because add plus levels have not yet declined in the young ones with substantial therapeutic implications. These findings suggest that no man could improve quality and boost fertility for natural or artificial conception. But while these findings and mouse models are promising, more research, particularly in humans, is needed before anything can be concluded. I really hope you found this post helpful.

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