8 Foods To Look Younger If You Are Over 40
Hey guys, I'm Prince health consult first lenses. So today we're gonna talk about the eight foods you need to avoid if you want to young after 40. Now around the stage both medical and experience very similar signs of aging or wrinkles, maybe some age spots, skin becomes more sensitive, thinner and maybe even starts to sag, but by avoiding these eight foods, you can dramatically enhance the look of your skin and slow down the visible aging process.
Operate number one sugar
Now it's no secret that sugar isn't good for you and eating cake or candy or anything that we're buying sugar and access is a big no no if you want to keep looking young. excess glucose in the blood binds to programs a process called glycation. That is chemical reaction creates what's called glyco toxins for age. These are harmful to you. And the big thing is that collagen is the most abundant protein in our body so that means is susceptible that is Asia East Coast collagen to heart and break down which accelerates renal formation and reduce the skin elasticity. So simply stay away from sugar if you want to keep your youthful looking skin.
Cobra number two alcohol
Now you need to watch your alcohol intake if you want to keep looking at when you drink your liver metabolizes alcohol to eliminate it from your body as you get older your liver just becomes less efficient. It doesn't eliminate alcohol and toxins the way that it used to. As a result these toxins can accumulate in your body and in your skin creating problems like aging swollen eyes, wrinkles and acne. And on top of that alcohol hydrates your skin which leads to other issues like muddy mentation, dryness and decreases inelasticity so try to stay away from more moderate on all if you want to keep that glowing skin.
Number three salty food
Thing to avoid number three salty foods to moderate salty, salty foods especially pre salt increases water retention make your skin look puffy. And paradoxically, if you can assume too much salt, your skin can become dry, cracked, maybe dehydrated, and then this leaves your oil glands to try and compensate for the dehydration. And you might develop an overproduction of oil. As a kicker, you might also develop that in short, salt and processed foods. are definitely to be moderated over 40
Number four processed meats
Number four processed meats and processed meats like salami corned beef and ham contain salt but also a lot of preservatives and sulfites. preservatives and sulfites are chemicals that create inflammation and oxidative stress in your body and they accelerate the aging process of your skin as a result you might experience irritation, swelling or itchiness. So try to avoid these things if you want to keep your skin looking great.
Number five grilled meat and barbecue
Number five grilled meat and barbecue that you should never over grill any type of meat and of course always consume grilled meat in moderation. But if you're going to do it makes sure that you remove the black chars on it because those contain pro inflammatory hydrocarbons and they can damage the collagen in your skin which accelerate wrinkle formation and again, reduction of skin elasticity. So again, moderate take off all the char from the beam before eating
Number Six trans fats
Trans fats can be naturally found in supplements or artificially made through to chemical processes oil hydration. Now we all know the trans fats are the worst type of fat for your body. But do you know why? They actually promote inflammation and make your skin more sensitive to UV rays, which of course is the number one cause of skin aging. So stay away from anything that contains trans fats or anything soaked in hydrogenated oil. The biggest culprits and you may have guessed some french fries and donuts fried chicken and grow the pizza. So when you shop always make sure to read the label and avoid product but let's hydrogenated oils on.
Skin enemy number seven spicy foods
Spicy foods dilate blood vessels irritate your skin and use acne and aggravate rosacea if you're sensitive. Spicy foods can also affect women during menopause and their blood vessels are super sensitive and more reactive to too much spicy food menopausal women may find their skin looking Laci and just less youthful. Now a regular consumption of spicy spider veins from it redness and happiness. So you might want to check out more mild foods. This sounds like you.
Number eight coffee
This sounds like you and rounding out our list with number eight coffee now coffee is of course a known and popular diuretic so in the hydrates your body and therefore dehydrates your skin. When the natural moisture occurs and gets lost your skin loses its glowing look and just look for age dry adult. So I always recommend the decam option when possible. And of course if not, don't forget to compensate by drinking extra glass of water for every coffee that you have. It will help me to hydrated skin and help keep you looking fresh.